Oh Baby! Kansas City

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Let's Talk About Sex - Post-Baby!

Here’s the deal, babe. Your sex life is YOURS. Your sexual energy is YOURS. How you want to sexually engage with the world is entirely up to you. And you know what? Your sex life will change. Your preferences and even the literal feelings around and within sex will change. That’s ok.

But becoming a mama makes the change a bit more complicated. Think about it: your entire body has changed. That’s a really scary idea! Of course sex is going to be and feel different. YOU are different. 

Pregnancy and birth has changed your relationship with your vagina and pelvic floor. These were once areas devoted to pleasure and now you are fully connected with the utilitarian aspects of your sex organs. Woah.

You’ve watched your body grow and change and shift right before your eyes. You watched your entire shape morph with your growing baby then morph again after birthing your baby. 

You probably even saw baby parts moving around inside of your belly. 

You probably stood in front of the mirror, staring at your naked “post baby” shape. Perhaps you had a moment of feeling in awe of the sheer power of your body. Perhaps you cried at the image you saw in front of you.

While all of these experiences are absolutely magical, they are not necessarily sexy.

Here’s something that our culture doesn’t instill in women: You are not expected to “bounce back” to your pre-pregnancy sex life.

Your body as well as your mind (and your heart) are not the same as before. Why would your sexual preferences remain the same?

Sure there are elements of “sameness”but be kind to your sexual self. Tell your partner that you need kindness. 

Then. Get after it, mama.

Use the power that you’ve gained by being a vessel for new life creation to create a whole new sex life for yourself

  1. Harness the power of your mind. It’s much more flexible now so be sure to use that to the advantage of your pleasure. Lean into your fantasy life. What turns you on from inside your mind? Let that feel so so good.

  2. Use the remarkable shift in your physical body to the advantage of your pleasure. You may not feel like the same person that you were and that is because you are NOT the same person that you were. You are so much more. Say it to yourself in the mirror. Say it: “I am so much more.”

  3. Buy yourself underwear that makes you feel like a goddess. No one even has to know that you’re wearing it. Do it purely for yourself. Say this to yourself, “I am so much more than I ever have been before. I am worth the feel of lace on my skin.”

  4. Think of sexual pleasure as a form of self-care. Sexual pleasure releases a host of amazing hormones and chemical reactions that will serve your mind, body, AND family.

  5. You do not require a partner for sex. Get super DIY with it. Integrate points 1-3 for your own personal pleasure. Invite a partner in only if it feels so very delicious.

You are so much more than you’ve ever been before. You deserve to feel like the goddess that you are.