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4 Simple Ways to Have an Amazing Cesarean Birth

I'm sure you've noticed it. You can't get on Pinterest or Facebook groups without seeing them. 

You know, the blogs and articles about how to have a successful vaginal birth?

"How I shortened my labor time by half", "Do these things to avoid a C-section", "How to have a successful birth" etc etc etc. 

Sure, these sound appealing to many expectant moms. But not all! If you're reading this, you may be one of those expectant moms who find those kinds of posts insensitive. Those people don't know you, nor do they know your reasons for needing (or evening wanting!) a Cesarean birth! 

Regardless of why you're having a cesarean, people of the internet are going to make sure that you know that they disapprove. But you know what? You are doing what is best for you and your baby (or babies, you wonderful twin moms, you!). There is no reason why a cesarean birth has to be the considered the "worse care scenario" while an unmedicated vaginal birth is the Holy Grail of birth.

Every mother is different; Every baby is different; Every birth is different!

Yes, recovery from a cesarean birth may be more difficult. But that doesn't mean that it's impossible. You just grew a human being with your body - not a lot of things are impossible at this point. You can rock your cesarean like no other!

So here I have for you a few tips in making sure you have the best cesarean birth that you can!

1. Take care of your body before you get pregnant.

I know, if you're already pregnant this is a tough one. But that's okay, you can start now. I'm not talking about crazy diets or crossfit workouts. I'm talking about making sure you're fueling your body with good food, staying active (walking for at least 15 minutes per day), getting quality sleep and staying hydrated. This is a good rule to follow no matter what kind of birth you're aiming for and even if you're not planning on getting pregnant at all! However, if you know that a cesarean is likely, taking care of your body now will help your recovery time go so much smoother!

2. See a chiropractor during pregnancy.

Nope, it's not just for hippies and old men! Chiropractic care during pregnancy is the most magical of things and can make some serious discomfort go away. It's not just for women wanting an unmedicated vaginal delivery either. Chiropractic care is for everyone. (Side note: Even babies can get adjusted! If the reason you're having a cesarean birth is because your baby is breech, taking your baby to a chiropractor early on is very beneficial!)

Most, if not all, chiropractors are trained extensively in treating pregnant women, but my recommendation is to find one that is Webster technique certified.

3. Have open and honest discussion with your OB about any fears or questions you have.

Yes, I'm telling you to talk to your doctor. I will never tell a pregnant person to not talk to their doctor. If you were planning on having a surgery on any other part of your body, you'd be having aaaallllll of the discussions. But this is your uterus we're talking about! If you have questions, ask them! If you have concerns, express them! If you want to know all of your options, explore them! Your OB is there to keep you and your baby safe and is the best resource you have available to you.

4. Hire a supportive and unbiased doula

I know, I know - shameless plug. But it's true! Doulas make birth better. Doulas aren't just for the home-birthers. Yes, we support home-birth but many of us also support cesarean birth! The purpose of having a doula is to have emotional, physical and educational support - what parts of that are not needed for a cesarean? A trained and compassionate doula can make this process so much better for everyone! But what is even more valuable than having a labor doula? Having a postpartum doula come to your home and help you for those first few weeks after you get home. 


You can have a wonderful cesarean birth! It's all in the planning and having a team around you that is supportive in preparing for your birth, during your time at the hospital and then once you get home.