Posts in Birth
Natural Ways to Induce Labor

You are days away from your due date. You are uncomfortable and O V E R it! Maybe your provider is starting to talk about induction and you’d really love to avoid a medical induction if possible. It’s feeling like your baby has this inside game of Chicken going on and it would just be so great if they would just, not.

Well, I wrote this blog about the 2 things that really are the best ways to start labor, but let’s maybe talk about other methods that a lot of people swear by!

Now, we are still talking about induction, but a non-medical induction. You are intervening with nature's timeline, but with things that are low risk and possibly low rate of return. But sometimes doing something is better than sitting around and waiting.

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How to Make Your Birth Not Suck During A Global Outbreak

In a time when everything feels like it’s outside of your control and you feel trapped or without options, I am here to tell you that you 👏 still 👏 have 👏 options! And with a bit of planning ahead and knowing where to look, you are capable of having an AMAZING birth - in spite of COVID-19.

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