Loving Your Perfectly Imperfect Home

It's 9:30 am. I'm on my third round of sweeping, have already tripped on a Peppa Pig figurine, and the sink that I left spotless at the end of last night is somehow already overflowing.

If you're raising tiny humans, I'm almost certain you can relate to this scene. And you've likely uttered some of the same phrases that I have: "why do I even bother?", "how is it already time to cook in the kitchen again?" or "where did this half-eaten granola bar come from?". Trying to keep a semi-tidy home with kids in the house often feels like swimming upstream while having fish nip at your feet. The goal of this article is not to achieve perfection, but rather to find solutions that help simplify processes in the home in order to spend less time cleaning and more time with family. Why? Because my home is my sanctuary, and when I look around I want to feel safe, cozy, clear-minded, and creatively inspired. Is this always going to be the case? Of course not! However, I believe there's hope for finding a happy medium with the following tips!

  1. Identify trigger areas in your home and prioritize accordingly.

    These will obviously be different for everybody. For me? A sink full of dirty dishes puts my anxiety over the edge. Unmade beds? Not so much. You may also find it helpful to pinpoint problem areas and prioritize accordingly, that way you don't feel the need to clean the house top to bottom every day. Because who has time for that?!

  2. Storage, storage, storage. And when you think you have enough? More storage.

    Look around your home and look for opportunities where space could be better utilized. Are there tables or other fixtures that would benefit from having shelving or storage underneath? Under-utilized vertical space? Or a bench that could become a storage bench? If you're looking for a new piece for your home, look for these features as well. They can make a huge difference! 

  3. Toys - choose carefully.

    I don't know about you all, but when I see anything with multiple tiny pieces, all I envision is them being scattered around, stepped on, or sucked up in the vacuum cleaner! There's so much evidence on owning less toys promoting gratitude, creativity, and sharing. And with less to pick up, this one's just a win-win for the whole family! This really applies to anything in the home. Decluttering has made me so much more of a conscious shopper; if I'm looking at an item and don't envision a specific place or purpose for it, it's not making its way into my home! 

  4. Embrace (Some) of the Mess.

    This may be the most challenging one for me. Easier said than done, I know, but I've just had to accept the fact that my home isn't going to be perfect during this phase of life. Maybe someday, but not today, and I need to find a way to make peace with that. I used to wear myself to the bone trying to get the house in perfect shape for company. And while it's considerate to make sure certain areas are clean and welcoming, my standards have had to adjust the larger our family's gotten. Besides, the whole point of having company over is to kick back, relax, and enjoy time with family and friends, not work yourself into a nervous breakdown! 

  5. Have the Kids Help.

    Okay, this one may create more stress than help (at first), BUT, I have faith that encouraging these habits at a young age will pay off BIG TIME in the long run! One example of something I've started having my four and six year olds help with is putting laundry away. Do their drawers and closets look perfect? Heck no! But right now, just getting them off of the floor is a huge win for me. Better yet, it gives them a sense of confidence and independence. I admit sometimes it's tempting to just tell them I'll do it myself, but then I remember that won't do me (or them) any favors in the long run! 

I hope this helps you find peace and balance in your home - I'd love to hear any tips you have as well. And if nothing else, I hope you've realized that you're not alone in feeling overwhelmed! A quote I read once that really resonated with me on a tough day was this:

"The mess in your home is kind of like fairy dust. When it finally does go away, it takes some of the magic with it." 

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Meet Emily

Emily Keller is the owner and designer of The Coral Elephant, an online handmade baby bedding and accessories boutique. Her inspiration began while designing her first daughter's nursery, and she now runs her business from home while raising her four daughters. Along with lots of coffee, yoga and wine, her family continues to inspire and drive her work!