6 Most Common Questions about Gentle Sleep Coaching - Plus a few bonus Pro Tips!

I wanted to give a little space to talk about our not-so-talked-about, yet loved-by-many service that we offer: Sleep Coaching! I think because we use a Gentle method, a lot of parents worry that it won’t be as impactful or have the “staying power” that other methods use that involve allowing your baby to cry-it-out (CIO).

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3 Reasons You Should Hire a Postpartum Doula

Listen. You can’t pour from an empty cup. You have to put on your oxygen mask first. {Feel free to insert your favorite analogy about self care here}.

Struggling as a new mom doesn’t earn you a badge of honor. There’s no prize for who suffers the most in any given Mommy Group. This is why asking for help isn’t harmful. This is why handing your baby to a trusted, vetted, experienced, empathetic, kind professional is not only a good thing, but a GREAT thing! You can have it all! You can be rested AND bond with your baby. In all actuality, being rested and supported and confident makes you a better parent. Weird, huh?

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Fun In The Sun With A Baby (Sun Safety For Your Infant)

Sun exposure is excellent for boosting both mood and energy—you may be tempted to strip down to your sunnies and scoot out the door with the kids in tow!

But seeking sun exposure safely is important, and it’s a little more complicated than sunscreen when it comes to our littlest people. So, here are our top tips for protecting your new babe while you both get some much-needed time outdoors:

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All Your Questions About Baby Poop Answered!

“Why is my baby’s poop green?”

If I had a dime every time I saw this question accompanied by a picture in a Mom Group... I'd have a lot of dimes!

Having a Postpartum Doula or Newborn Care Specialist takes the guesswork out. And saves you from having to post pictures of bodily fluids (yours & your baby's) on social media. There's just something so wonderful about having a real person in your home, whose sole purpose of being there is to support you and help you navigate all the things that come with being a new parent.

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What is the Difference Between a Night Nanny, Newborn Care Specialist & a Postpartum Doula?

You may not be picky about the terms people use - you just want someone who is trained, qualified & trust-worthy to help you get sleep after coming home with your newborn.

But what should you look for when you are considering hiring overnight or daytime help? Are there differences in training and certifications? What do each of these professionals know and focus on?

What IS the difference between a Night Nanny, Baby Nurse, Newborn Care Specialist and a Postpartum Doula?

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Prep Your Children for a Move with These 17 Tips

Moving is an exciting life event, but it can still be stressful – for you and your kids. Your children can feel especially scared and nervous about the changes that are approaching. Whether you’re just moving down the street or moving across the country from Atlanta, GA to Portland, OR, leaving a house can feel like a loss to your children. That’s why we’ve turned to the experts for tips on how to prepare your kids for moving and how to make the transition easier on them.

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Natural Ways to Induce Labor

You are days away from your due date. You are uncomfortable and O V E R it! Maybe your provider is starting to talk about induction and you’d really love to avoid a medical induction if possible. It’s feeling like your baby has this inside game of Chicken going on and it would just be so great if they would just, not.

Well, I wrote this blog about the 2 things that really are the best ways to start labor, but let’s maybe talk about other methods that a lot of people swear by!

Now, we are still talking about induction, but a non-medical induction. You are intervening with nature's timeline, but with things that are low risk and possibly low rate of return. But sometimes doing something is better than sitting around and waiting.

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