Posts in Birth
Life Hacks for Your Birth

I am going to share a few of my birth doula trade secrets with you in this post. I want to give you an idea of why having a doula is a great idea, what kinds of things we are capable of doing, and to reassure you that if you forget something, it's not the end of the world.

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How to Write a Birth Plan

If you were to go to Google right now and just type “Birth Plan”, you would come up with SO MANY templates, blogs and opinions. I’m not here to tell you what all to put on your birth plan. Instead, what I want to do is give you a few rules of thumb to follow when writing yours that will give you flexibility, your providers a clear map of what you want and to help you achieve the birth experience you desire.

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Thaddeus' Birth Story

I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Hanna for sending her birth story to me to post! As I've said before, I don't write my clients' birth stories for them because it is their intimate story to tell. But it brings me so much joy when they send them to me! Thank you, Hanna, for entrusting me with your birth as well as with your story. I loved being your doula! <3

- Mary  

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Doulas and Epidurals

"Doula" and "Epidural" aren't usually 2 words that you think of in conjunction to one another. *Usually* you think of natural birth when you think of a doula. But that is a common misconception. Sure, some doulas prefer to support natural births and there have been the "horror stories" of doulas leaving the birth once the birthing person chooses an epidural. But I'm going to bust that reasoning and hopefully by the end of this blog, you'll realize that not only is having a doula present if you're planning on having an epidural a good idea, but your doula can also be a valuable member of your birth experience regardless of how you plan on doing birth!

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